Houston Psychologists, Marriage and Couples Counseling Specialists:
Chuck Gray, Ph.D. & Associates
Serving the Houston Area since 1987
Chuck Gray, Ph.D. & Associates
Serving the Houston Area since 1987
Why Dating Counseling
Date smart. The quality of your dating relationships will likely be a large factor in the quality of your future life. Learn specific ways to find and get more desirable dating options in the Houston, Texas area.
In dating counseling, clearly identify the kind of relationships you desire. Specifically assess the kind of person you and your heart are most likely to attract and be attracted to. Learn how to progressively become the kind of person who will attract the partner you desire; then learn to progressively become the person who will create the relationship you desire.
An experienced psychologist who specializes in dating counseling can work with you to change your life. Dating counseling can help you attract the partner and create the relationship you desire.
-Chuck Gray, Ph.D. ©DrCGray2014
In dating counseling, clearly identify the kind of relationships you desire. Specifically assess the kind of person you and your heart are most likely to attract and be attracted to. Learn how to progressively become the kind of person who will attract the partner you desire; then learn to progressively become the person who will create the relationship you desire.
An experienced psychologist who specializes in dating counseling can work with you to change your life. Dating counseling can help you attract the partner and create the relationship you desire.
-Chuck Gray, Ph.D. ©DrCGray2014
Houston, Texas Psychologists, Marriage & Couples Counseling Specialists:
Chuck Gray, Ph.D. & Associates 713-774-2122
Chuck Gray, Ph.D. & Associates 713-774-2122